Sunday 5 February 2012

wish me birthday

Many would ask to live like kings,
Like angels flapping their wings,
Like a combination of 2 Pac, Common, Kirk, Beyonce, Da brat n etc with melodious voice to sing sings,
Like rich men with all things,
Like a princess expecting all rings.

Well i have had it all,
Am a king in my own world,
I love a girl like she is an only angel,
I sing my poems to everone who dares to listen,
I have been rich with life thats why today its my BIRTHDAY,
Am a prince to my mums kingdom.

I ask for not more than understanding,
Sweet memories unwinding,
A love commitment thats binding,
To everyones heart a safe landing,
Maturity in my every poetry wording,
To be true to my words and gurding,
To turn to gold ever soul that i touch,
To always pray and thank God,
To have you all forever.

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