Sunday, 5 February 2012

one night stand

I didnt want to call you back,
We found each other by luck,
Guess it was a one night stand,
Only with often nights that we didnt withstand,
Visiting late at night,
Exiting early before dawn,
Yet we called it a one night stand.

The texts were precise and onto the point,
Like 'come over am all alone'
With each others need we were blown,
We would rush into the romance,
With each sight of a glance,
I wouldnt wear tight pants,
To loosen up fast.

Now that you are pregnant,
I want to care for once,
Start by telling me your name,
I know i might sound lame,
I need our kid to have no one to blame,
Tell me what you like,
Do you even want to know what am about,
Can you trust me to have our kid,
Its the fruit of my seed,
I want s/he to be like us,
My perfect charisma and strength,
Your sweet scent and our worlds wealth.

We started too fast,
With the burning desire and lust,
Personally i wouldnt be last,
I will make it perfect for the kid if i must,
Lets combine our future and past,
I know we will make one hell of a blast.

For my kid am telling you this,
Am never touching you without a spark of bliss,
To keep you at ease,
With the future baby daddy,
It was just a one,
........ Night stands.

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