Sunday 5 February 2012

secret love

If i had a secret,
It would be you my love,
I would creep in the dark,
To you parents house without leaving a mark,
I would embrace u with my hug,
Kiss you hard out of breath,
Whisper words of love with the little time i have,
Not to be found out by your parent that you have an extra love.

I would text you all night and day,
I would subscribe unlimited SMS everyday,
To keep in touch i may,
To tell you of how i feel without your touch,
That i die to have for a match,
How you touch me tenderly without a scratch.

I would keep you a secret,
My friends wouldnt know about us,
So as not to ask about what we did last night,
Even when we fight,
We would make up and still be tight,
Our love would always be bright,
In love to greater heights.

When all has gone to the light,
We would catch all by surprise,
Kiss and let them know thats our price,
Hold hands to the market way,
Hug in public at our parents gates,
Ask for no ones permision to love,
Have everyone admire what they dont have.

Till then,
Be my secret love,
I love the mystery in it.

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