Monday 19 August 2013

I Do

She walked towards me,
She looked worried like she’s being chased by bees,
She hugs me tight like its’ been a century since,
Maybe she heard I’ve joined the army and am soon leaving,
That would be a bad lie,
With calm breath I could feel her sigh,
Not letting go,
She whispers in my ear.

“I’m sorry,
I don’t want to make you worry,”
Immediately I knew she wants to call it off,
I could only see her lips move,
I dint want to listen to the whole ‘fucked up’ explanation,
I was here not long time ago with my ex,
Now she wants to be a part of the statistic,
After her am never going back,
Now I think relationships suck.

A crowd gather,
My mind is far away further,
I already see people whispering with smiles,
I hoped for the angels to drop and fly me to far away miles,
Where I’d rest my now overworking pancreatic bile’s,
Where a man can cry without being worried of who is looking.

Back to reality,
Her lips now moves slow,
I now listen to her every word,
She says I’m her world,
I make it go round,
In my thoughts her heart beats you could hear the sound,
With that and more,
She comes close,
Kisses me light,
Asks if I could marry her,
Its’ been too long and she is tired to wait for me to ask,
I say yes and listen to the crowd applause as we kiss,
With a realization
that if you take long she will propose,
If you love her you won’t oppose.

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