Wednesday 31 August 2011

honey untasted

i walk into the dance floor,
shaking my head to the flow,
the music stops and everyone looks at me with a glow,
she moves at me rily slow,
i smile coz this is a chance i wouldnt blow.

She touches my face,
with her eye ball moving from my head to my shoe lace,
she bends over and to my crouch she moves her ass in manner of ways,
with my hand on her hip holding her dress,
we dance to 'welkam back' the song by mase,
then she sneeks me out of the club without a trace.

To the dark corner of the street,
she takes me to treat,
i thought to myself i might be one of her male fleet,
i guess first things first let me flirt.

With her dress up,
i draw near to close the gap,
i touch her slow from knee up her lap,
its a one night stand pap,
and i am her flie in her trap.

She eats me alive,
as her meal i survive,
call me naive,
but i didnt taste the honey in her hive.

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