Saturday 13 August 2011

lazy eyes

today i wanna tell ya about my yesta girl,
she was cold and leaned on the wall,
her cheeks like that of a happy doll,
she's slightly than me not tall.

She has those lazy eyes,
beautiful and fixed on her head up there high,
she pretends not to be shy,
i know thats all an ego lie.

I like her coz she is alergic to cold,
she likes me coz am bold,
with a swingy waist i hold,
she is a beautiful gold.

She is an open minded,
with hips that are widend,
to her lips 1st am guided,
small and she kept them tightened.

With the persistence she kisses me an only,
a single one that she terms holy,
i believe it will continue wholly,
i jus have to soothe her slowly.

In a world full of confusion,
after whispers of discusion,
i plan to have with her a sweet fusion,
it might kill all this illusions

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