Wednesday 15 April 2015

What Day Is It?

What day is it?
I wonder as I silently sit
Waiting for you to come eat
But it hits me,
A football game is going on
So,let the food get cold
And I enjoy a lonely night

I enjoyed dressing up
Carefully put on light makeup
This dress looks good on me
Now,lets wait and see,
That knowing smile on your lips
But wait,
Today is boys night out

My glass is halfway empty
I've been waiting for 30minutes
Every one dragging on slowly
Did you forget about this date?
Or what day is it?

In pajamas
Enjoying my moments home alone
The good music making me dance a little
Mmmhhh...this is great
But who knocks on my door?
Oh! Did I forget what day it was?

I stare at the calender
Sure that its a Tuesday night
But this is a new one
Just when I thought I was done
Whose day is it?
Clearly, its not your early at home day!

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