Monday 24 October 2011


if i was a stammer,
would you love my hesitation,
to tell you i love you,
would take forever,
eeeyyyeee l o o o v v v e e e e youh!
I would say.

I bet it sounds lovely,
to have a length of time with my words,
wouldnt it sound genuine,
to sound like am calm with my words,
in deep affection i would mumble sweet words,
only i would hear me,
but what i would want to let you hear iiissss,
eye loooveee yoourr s s sscent,
to my ha ha heart you are an angel sent,
i would want to be you Clerk kent,
a su s s superman to you,
like martin luther a g g goood orator,
and my grandd nd ndmother a sweet narrator.

Would you hold my hand,
make me feel that you are glad,
to have my slow and rewinding tongue stand,
in front of others and join a band,
to sing you a sweet song thats long,
of how your hair is dark and long,
of how i would forever love yu yu yu yu yoou for loooong.

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