Friday 9 September 2011

up closeup close

look up above the sky,
look as far high,
be at your best when you try,
the beauty and relief sigh,
one that makes the beautiful one shy.

Look at the moon,
curved like a shining spoon,
beauty that turns the sane into loon,
crazy in love like johny bravo the cartoon.

Lie besides me,
come close and feel me,
have the warmth of we,
make me inlove to see,
clear my mind to be free.

Listen to the cheer of the cricket,
the have come to our show without a ticket,
to listen to our love thats wicked,
they aught to come to our meeting at weekends.

Feel the cold wind blow through your hair,
feel the love that we share,
close and tight as we pair,
feel me deep inside you there,
you are my only survival air.

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