Wednesday 7 September 2011

no need to resurect

my sight is blurry,
i wake from my death bed in a hurry,
i say to my love death
'its not today sweet cherry,
i need to travel back to the land of the living by a ferry,
in my wait dont get weary,
at the end you the girl im going to marry.'

She kisses me good bye,
i thank her for the opportunity to try,
to win back the heart of my living honeypie,
in haste my shoe laces i tie,
as i walk back to the world with my head held high.

To my loves door i knock,
hopping and counting my luck,
my heart,love and care i take back,
on my left hand is a pack,
of rose flowers that attract,
its a sweet way to get her recall the contract.

She opens her door,
there are kids playing on her floor,
the youngest must be atleast four,
behind her a man follow,
he kisses her and his tongue she swallow,
emptyness fills my heart thats hollow.

Its barely four years,
my cheeks becomes wet by my tears,
i take four or five of my favourite beers,
i have no one to talk to even my peers,
my journey back to my grave increases my fears.

Am just a ghost,
in love and lost,
cold and filled by frost,
my living love would have been my host,
i guess i still have my beautiful death to share with a toast,
to leave life for the living,
there is no need to resurect.

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