Sunday 18 September 2011

all i need

i want her to screem my name,
i want to make hey boobs fame,
i want her to burn in sweet flame,
i want us to touch with no shame,
i want to be the bad boy you blame,
even when our emotions are insane,
our body and mental synchronise the same,
i want to be the only you would want to tame.

I want to feel the inside of you warm,
i want to make it mad love at home,
i want you to guess where am from,
i want my hands all over your body to roam,
i want romance to be our norm.

I want you to yearn for my kiss,
i want us to get stuck in this bliss,
i want to moarn in your cat nail tease,
i want to get crazy of this,
i want to own a part of your body not to lease,
i want to kiss you slow from your toes and above the knees,
i want you to beg for this as you say please,
i want you to be crazy about me my miss.

I guess all i need is you.

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