Friday 19 July 2013


Its raining,
A reason for smiling,
As a drop hits the surface of my skin that's drying,
With nostalgia I start remembering.

A kiss so tender for gender,
Attentioning my member,
The best mpaka nikapenda,
You were then my dendah.

A cry on my shoulder,
By your side I have always been bolder,
In happiness together we grow older,
A two person's army and am the soldier.

A smile that's always bright,
The way you look at me by your height,
Holding me tight,
Never to let me go off your sight.

A run towards shelter,
The way we give up as we get wetter,
A good bye kiss and see you later,
The thought of you that's always greater.

Now you are mine,
Still fine like wine,
My perfect life line,
With our rain we'll be together for more than years ninety nine.

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