Thursday 19 February 2015

I Can't Erase You

My mornings are all spent
looking up at my ceiling;
seeing your face spread on the white paint.

The sole bulb in my room is your navel,
sometimes I believe you are actually painted there,
but it is always a projection of my thoughts.

There is nowhere else I would want you but by my side,
each and every morn, your arm on my chest,
I am pretty sure I'd always smile at you Pretty.

I would tread my paths with delightful care,
only to see you again in one piece at dusk.

I would explore you like a rat in a maze,
Only that my maze would be sealed by your charm,
I wouldn't be helpless because in you I find a solace;
Your smile with lazy eyes would be my healer, I'd be your patient.
My dose I'd never miss, because it is you.

I wouldn't buy a telescope;
I would stare at the stars in your eyes,
My hands would get dirty but never rough;
I wouldn't want to mess with your tenderness;
My voice would be your lullaby because in it you are soothed;
I wouldn't strain myself, even you,
because in you I find a resort; a place I can call home.

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