Saturday 9 June 2012

i live in the past

I live in the past,
The days when traffic wasnt fast,
Days when love used to last,
Days when walking half nude was seen as a curse,
Its either you are mad or you want to create a fuss,
I live in the past
Though my present is dust.

Am an girl in this village,
I marry whom my parents seem privillage,
One with a large piece of land for tillage,
He would be the only one to insert the syringe,
I'm a girl in the village,
I'm in love and i cant tell.

Im a young worrior,
A village hero,
I kill for my meal,
Im the epitome of a perfect husband,
With my hunting skills am a brand,
I'm a young worrior,
I fear for the kill of my life.

I'm a young woman,
Married by a lazy man,
With twenty and in stomach another one,
Silenced not to tell of my love,
He doesnt even romance with me,
He doesnt kiss me in the morning,
All he asks is his breakfast in a yawning,
Am a young woman,
Twenty by age and with my twenty first pregnancy.

I live in the past,
Letters i write fast,
To court the lucky first,
To whom i recite my poetry,
Whom i love quietly,
Whom i blow kisses silently,
I live in the past,
Enlighten me if you must.

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