Thursday 19 January 2012


My beards are becoming long,
My mouth is covered i cant sing a song,
I cant whisper without getting a chock,
The beards take advantage of any conversation to enter without a knock.

Am gagged by my own untidiness,
I cant find a razor to clean up,
Maybe i should use a candle to burn it up,
Lest i get my cheeks and chin burned.

I fear for my own life,
Am confussed to be a member of a terror group,
One hunted down by all,
Am even afraid to look at myself on my mirror wall.

To some am handsome,
The feeling of ageing coz of a beard,
Girls like them older,
Abit tall to look them up from the shoulder,
One who would care to hold her,
Beards may lie of our age and make us bolder.

Next time you get me unkept,
Tired and unslept,
Know that its a new man shaped,
Handsome in mind,
Easy to find,
Help me in my plight,
In search of a razor.

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