Saturday 9 May 2020


Still I'll say time is never a saint.
It's clear I have a candid complaint. 
Sternly, I gaze at her glaring guilt.
The free flow of dirt and filth.

Time has done more evil than good.
Both in the city and in the woods.
For once she never showed remorse.
Thus, let the world prepare for worse.

I've seen time thirst for tears.
She's a drunk, she will drink for years.
Time love to feed on human flesh.
Apparently she will forever be fresh.

At the moment she's an enemy of the state.
Unfortunately there's no way to reciprocate.
At  her mercy we live our personal lives.
She is the blacksmith, she wields the knives.

I'll depict time as a disgusting dictator.
She's only accountable to our creator.
Still I'll say time has never been a saint.
It's clear I have a candid complaint.

Lanre badmus.
May 2020

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