Thursday 2 October 2014

Ball, Ball & Woody

Stuck inside this pants,
Unable to get air that I want,
Squeezed by the manly thighs,
I choke but mostly I get high,
At least am never alone,
My somehow identical friend empathizes with me,
He is held a distant lower near the knee,
He says his name is Ball,
Guess what I’m Ball too,
Our population is only two,
Our other friends live inside the body,
We are left outside me, Ball and woody,
Woody works in the slippery of places,
He says he likes the tightest of spaces,
We help each other though he doesn’t ever invite us inside,
With his message to come we’ve always replied,
Only for him to snob us thereafter,
With his seizure like laughter,
I & ball think we are just being used,
I think we are sometimes abused,
We are looking for new friends like the liver,
Maybe the heart I hear he is loyal,
To make us feel loved and royal,
For now we wait for our invitation within.

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