Sunday, 13 July 2014

Maize and Beans

I was a seed, or so I am told,
I was plantetd, along with other seeds,
But I was a wise seed, I knew 'First come, first serve'
So I ended up in the sole perfect slot, I sprouted,
I grew, and grew, in the safe confines,
Till my term expired, and I had to create space,
For another wise seed.

I came out from the warm comfort,
To the cold vast land out,
I was tendered well and pampered,
I knew scorch, my body didn't,
I knew what freezing was, but my body didn't
I was protected from the harsh realities I was destined to face.

Then 18 seasons later, I was a mature plant,
Even capable of planting another seed,
Provided a perfect slot was ready,
So I wasn't ready to sow, as I had been,
I strived to become a rich plant, and have my own farm,
Where I would sow only three seeds, and cut my seed supply.
But that was never meant to be.

I struggled to survive, andf struggled to get a farm,
I had to survive, and make my farm survive too,
I sowed the first seed, it found a perfect slot,
After the standard term, it came out of the confines,
A beautiful bean seed,
Then I sowed another, came out a perfect maize grain,
I said, 'Just one more'
And true I got a good maize. I said its enough.
I was wrong.

Seems I had selected a fertile farm,
With plenty of slots, apparently, all were the perfect slot,
So I got a maize, bean, maize and bean again,
Seems the slots never happened to be imperfect,
In a decade, I already had a plateful of githeri,
Too bad I had nothing to sustain them
So I have a new hobby, counting the maize in my plate of githeri
And avoid the farm, lest I sow in a perfect slot again.

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