Sunday 6 July 2014

Political Chess

["An empty stomach is not a good political advisor", Cosmic Religion Quote]

It's all chess, a race, a chase,
Each move is planned, it is watched,
It may seem wrong to the watching eye,
But not to the playing mind.

Day after day, words fly to either sides,
Ties and bonds dissolve, others are created,
Some are born, more die,
But the old lies remain bold.

They make fanatics out of us,
And make us create a fuss,
After half a decade, they become friends, the best
And we follow on blindly,
Yes, blindly.

We were made blind, and they took away our walking staffs,
Away, that's where we have been staffed
As our very hearts starved,
Starving, both for food, and justice too.
Don't be suprised, they starve too,
They starve for power and influence, and money too.

They do all things to justify themselves
They make us see their right side, never the wrong,
Each side is right, we are left to fight.

We starve, and they find a reason to starve more,
They manufacture promises behind closed doors,
With closed ears to matters of justice,
They burn our money to manufacture lies,
Lies sweetened by our pain,
Lies they sell to us, in exchange to our votes.
Lies we love most, lies even after realising they are lies,
We readily buy them after their warranty is over,
A warranty that costed us half our decade.

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