Friday 14 February 2014


I’m now confused,
Is it that our today’s happenings are being abused?
The whole idea of this day leaves me bemused,
If you a man of my class you would feel bruised,
Just because of another man who forgets to love without an excuse.

I take mine out,
I make her never to feel a shred of doubt,
Loving has never been a drought,
Never has she ever told me she’s without,
A valentine’s year that’s what I’m all about.

Sometimes we fight and shout out bad words it’s never rosy,
 We make up and life gets cozy,
Her life is my only,
Without am lonely,
Together we are wholly.

I bring her roses as a duty,
I shower well and smell all fruity,
I even stare at her booty,
I won’t write about booby,
Just know she’s just a beauty

As a matter of fact,
Tonight is one of our usual nights,
Imma make it worth loving,
To make her know she’s always better than the rest,
If she were a bird she’d be one on my nest.

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