Friday 28 November 2014


Just in case I die out of any Al-shabab sport hunting,
Or any tribal fighting,
Let it be known that there is no Government hashtag SAVING,
They only blind us and keep us SLAVING.

Ulinzi unaanza na wewe,
Wizi inaanza na yeye,
Tujilinde sisi WENYEWE,
Ndo watugandamishe hao MAMWEWE.

I live in fear of tomorrow,
This thought gives me unending sorrow,
My life is someone else’s to ‘BORROW,’
Our wildlife are on the ‘red dragons’ BUREAU.

Najilinda kwa maneno,
Wanitafuna kwa meno,
Ukijitetea kwa NENO,
Ukoloni mambo leo.

#Hashtag #Hashtag

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