Thursday 18 September 2014

My dark country

The beauty of the sun set is deceiving,
Once gone darkness conceiving,
Unfair contrast we keep receiving,
I’d rather after sunset then sun rise without darkness.

On my way back home,
I walk fast alone,
The sunset now gone,
In the dark I’ll be by my own.

I live at the end of this tunnel,
It’s longer than the neck of a camel,
A country called Babel,
Darker than the tunnel and the night combined.

I stand facing the tunnel before I make a step in,
I stand to face evil within this tunnel,
I may not reach the end of it,
If I do I will not dust off my feet.

There stand more serious challenges in the light,
My country needs more of the night,
For our leaders to continue to be right,
Feeling their absence yet out of sight,
Like a vampire they just need every bite.

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