Wednesday 24 June 2015


I have been staring at my phone for long,
Waiting for a call,
Your call,
Just a ring,
My heart will sing,
If not,
Just a beep,
To let me know you think of me,
Or your phone does,
Because I will call,
Asking the reason for the beep,
Just to listen to your voice,
Then I’ll take my time to hung up,
I’ll let you know of my day,
Nothing much,
It started with the thought of you and well, now am talking to you,
I’d ask about you,
Shiver with every sound of your words,
Link the sound of your breathe to mine,
Ask you out to take wine,
Maybe also dine,
Only if I had credit,
I’d stop staring at this phone,
Call you without the thought of a beep,
Wish you a good night sleep.