Monday 17 March 2014


As my fellow black people where enslaved and picking cottons,
I have been in my grave picking out condoms,
I’m not ashamed that I’m a prostitute,
At least that’s what I’m branded by those who don’t appreciate me nude.

Well, this didn’t just start for fun,
It’s neither a thing that I had to learn,
If asked I’d probably be a nun,
But hey I have to feed my son.

No one appreciates me,
I was raped and threatened not to say a word,
I gathered courage to tell my father,
As a girl, I was referred to my mother.

I was raped repeatedly,
I got used to it immediately,
This was now my reality,
Of men who carelessly abused my fertility.

Now I do this for a pay,
To the at least I appreciate myself each day,
To my kid I’m the bright light in the sky,
The one that brightens our dark ways.

All he knows is that I work late,
I work for the state,
I’m that mum that’s great,
With him as my only man and every day date.

Call me careless,
I call myself fearless,
Doing that’s termed shameless,
By a community that left me helpless,
Being of a gender that isn’t shown fairness.

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