Monday 10 September 2012


listening to gospel music play in a bar,
Near my shop not far,
Comes this gorgeous lady,
To her am always ready,
To hold like a lonely girl with her teddy.

Music gets louder,
I walk out of the counter n put my hands around her,
With her swaying hips she welcomes my hand,
cant complain am glad,
I whisper to myself 'you are a lucky lad'

As the music plays more louder,
She eludes my kisses,
The gospel music must be making her feel guilty,
Reminding her of her duty,
To her boyfriend.

She eases down,
She understands that all this is between me an her,
She holds me tightly,
Feeling the warmth of my body.

The phone rings,
She wants to pick up,
I say ignore it,
Its her boyfie,
She picks and he breaks up with her,
Not because of me,
Ati he has another,
I hold her and say we r together

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