Dear Lord, this is another Sunday, not just a Sunday,
Not guaranteed is our existence, but by your grace,
So grateful are we, that we praise, and ask you for more.
Lead us not to temptation, show us the way to safety,
Make our borders immune to external influence,
And make Ebola blind to us, keep us safe,
Occupy terrorists with their issues,
They may forget us, and let us be in peace, in one piece.
Stretch your hand so mighty, on our roads so busy,
Save the lives on the brink of running over a cliff,
Give safety to our families, both near and afar,
Protect our youth, to give us an assurance of a future bright.
Help us set our priorities right,
Let us not put anything before you,
And don’t let us forget those who have concern over us,
And shift our focus to those who don’t care.
Give us our daily bread,
And give us a heart to share the excess,
To those of our brothers, who have not seen it for eons,
So that our bins may not stink with food,
While our brother’s stomachs stink of starvation.
Give sight to our leaders, to see every part of the country as equal,
Give them memory, to remember the neglected.
Give income to our country, with safety that you grant,
Give us prosperity; of farms and sales too,
Give jobs to those who don’t, so they make jobs for others too,
Give us the creative minds, to push our goals to the limit,
Bless our resources, that we so rely on.
Give us the love of brotherhood,
And positive ethnicity, for we were all created by you,
As we are loved by you, make us extend the same,
And give a genuine smile to every face.
Forgive us, for we have done wrong,
Give us a wise decision when it comes to opportunities,
So we may choose those granted by you.
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory,
Forever and ever.
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