Saturday, 30 August 2014

My Heart Smells Rubber

I once heard that hearts are made of glass,
Once broken, unbreaking them would prove more painful,
I went ahead and modified mine, and chose rubber,
So that Cupid's arrow could stick.

You came, with a knock, I welcomed you,
Gave you a special place in my heart, a haven,
To enjoy the warmth of the rubber wall,
Immune and deaf to the cold lonely breeze outside,
I let you throb with the rhythm of my heart beat,
I kept you safe there, because you filled the emptiness.

I walked with you in me, a symbol of love,
Love not made, but grown and nurtured,
A love that I knew would stay, always, if not forever,
The love I forgot living without,
A love that became not part of me, but the second me.

You decided my heart wasn't your dream place of residence,
You felt the warmth was overwhelming,
You couldn't sustain the beat of my heart,
Especially when you took over my mind,
And my heart raced as twice fast.

You pricked my heart, day by day, trying to break out,
But, it was made of rubber, and it came back together,
And your scratches couldn't do a lot of harm, I ignored the pain,
Thinking it was pleasure at its apex.

Then you tore it apart, stretched your hands wide,
Like the Lord on the cross,
And escaped, leaving me with a pain,
For once I wished my heart was of glass,
So it could be broken once and for all, and the pain fade fast,
But mine is of rubber, and I had to stay with the pain from the tear,
And stretch.

Days later, I have healed,
My rubber heart froze with the cold you left,
And the scar became almost invisible.
Now my greater fear is,
Should you want to come back,
Will I sustain the pain of stretching my rubber heart, to let you in?
Please, if you ever think of coming back,
Stay anywhere, but not in my heart.

Friday, 29 August 2014

A Leaf on a Sand Dune

Am just a Village boy,
Fresh from the gossip-laden cuddles of evening breeze,
I know of people, everyone in the neighbourhood in fact,
Just let me be, Am just a Village boy.

Since I came, my breath has never been fresh,
The spices you pour in the soup make a haven in my mouth,
And makes a sour scent each sunrise,
I cant pass that hard stick with fur on my once milk white teeth,
Let me be, Am just a Village boy.

You have no pot, neither a fire place,
You cook on a blue pot with a hissing flame,
On it another hissing replica of a broken pot.

You don't greet people when we go out,
They neither have  interest in us,
Only stares at my clothes, the best back home,
I am used to a life of happy greetings, with accompanying  chuckles,
Where everyone is a neighbour, and I know them by name.
Let me be, Am just a Village boy.

Whenever we are seated, you are on your phone,
To me, it is a gadget to call friends and family,
When an urgent matter arises; pleasantries are urgent too.
But yours is literally your second heart beat,
The other day you misplaced it, well,
You could have overturned the sky if you could.
Let me be, Am just a Village boy.

Your husband invited me to a soccer game,
I went to my room, and came out in shorts,
My eyes as hungry as my feet for the fun of the ball,
Only to find you staring at the screen turned green,
With cheers I couldn't locate their source,
How could I play, without a ball???
How could I trust buttons, more than my legs?
Above all, how could I trust that the minute people on TV would obey me?
Leave me alone, am just a Village boy.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Wait

When in love,
It’s said the first to say “I love you” loves more,
Well I knew I loved her more,
In fact more is an understatement of what I feel for her,
But how do I tell her I love her without looking weak,
I can’t stand to lose her without being sick,
She’s my white blood cell,
My heaven without am in hell.

I think she feels the same way,
Sometimes I intentionally don’t call her like today,
This is an own test to figure if she thinks of me,
Only that its tormenting as I stare at my phone waiting,
I can always tell that I’m patient,
Each second moving slow like a hard calculus quotient,
Only finding the answer when the phone rings.

Trust me I never wait for it to ring twice,
If I did it’s my mind would tell me it’s not wise,
I would pick it up making my voice sound nice,
Hoping she would tell me of her love in disguise,
Be the first to throw the dice,
And I’ll forever show her the sun rise.

For now I’m keeping her in the dark,
Waiting to make a mark,
Hopping I won’t ran out of luck,
She’d be my partner if we’d get to the Noah’s ark,
Just maybe if the rules changed a while back,
To her oceans I’d already have swam my love duck. 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


What do you call the image at the back of your mind with eyes closed?
A sweet dream like the sound of a chin chin wine glass toast,
More like a nightmare lost,
Maybe a friendly Casper ghost,
I can tell why to open my eyelids are opposed.

You are unconditionally friendly,
More like a heartbeat daily,
With a sexy pin on your belly,
As I shyly call you baibie,
Mtoto wa mama maybe.

A shoulder to lean on,
A reminder I’m never alone,
My voice when am gone,
On my dark paths light she has shone,
A chat fellow on my phone,
I believe another best friend is already born

Ever found someone so kind to be true,
Ask me while taking my cold glass of brew,
I’d start with I thought you knew,
In truth even a glass of brew knew I can’t handle more than two,
And my new friend is a million in one so I don’t need two.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

A Voice From Sachangwan

Just years ago, we stole the limelight,
Set newsrooms on fire, tears rolling,
We gave tongues what to speak.

There had been a tragedy, and it was big I say,
When our brothers and sisters,
Who had come to harvest the spoil,
Ran away ablaze, and all we could remember them with,
Was their ashes.

Then it was a lesson to be learnt,
But it happened again.

I nurse wounds, serious burns to be precise,
I was nursed by the oily tongues of flames,
From the oily tank of death.

I could not resist the urge to siphon just a little,
Though I fought with my inner self,
Memories of the last tragedy lingered,
But my stomach rumbled, dragged my feet forward.

I looked down at the fallen truck,
Like a disarmed hunter at the edge of a cliff,
Staring at a hungry bear, waiting for its turn to pounce.

The police wouldn't allow us to siphon just a few drops,
I knew it was a protective measure to my life,
Theirs, and my neighbours' too,
But I saw it as being mean to my stomach,
Where would I get supper for today?

Then all of a sudden.....
I can't  really remember what happened,
But as sure as I can blink, I got burns,
Yes, it was my fault, yet neither was it my fault.

Let me nurse my burns,
But if my barn was full,
then my mind would have thought straight

Give Me Your Lips To Kiss

Give me your lips to kiss,
A fragrance, with me you must leave,
I wanna shake like a leaf,
I wanna feel the sweetness of a virgin spring.

I wanna hear the muffled licks,
I wanna let my tongue get imprisoned,
With your teeth smooth.

I wanna die in your world,
I wanna dream in reality,
I wanna test the speed of my adrenaline,
I wanna see if my heart can race too,
I wanna know if you can breathe fast,
I wanna feel the kiss.

I wanna let my blind hands grope,
I wanna rub the smoothness of your flawless skin,
And the warm softness that covers you,
I wanna be so gentle and keen,
I wanna ignite in you a little kiln,
I wanna feel the heat,
I want it to stir you deep within

But all I want first,
Is a kiss on your lips.

The Woman I Want

As an only son, Mom says I must marry,
And to her demand I nod,
But I must make my choice, just like any man.

I want a mature mind, I don't mind the body,
I want a woman who knows how to carry herself,
I want a woman who has known heartbreaks,
I want a woman I can feel safe with.

I want a woman who has been through seasons,
Seasons of happiness, seasons of loneliness,
A woman who wont forget me when am not there.

I want a woman, who was brought up, not just raised,
A woman who will respect me, as much as I respect her,
The kind of woman who will give me a reason to claim respect.

I want a woman who knows rain, and dry dust,
A woman with soft lips, that know the dry spell too,
With a mouth, that knows that food isn't free air.

I want a woman who will persevere,
A woman who won't ask why things don't  go her way,
But who will advise, so that things go our way.

I want a natural woman,
Who won't spend hours making a fake face,
But who will spend a lifetime to protect our face.

I want a confident woman, who will confront me when I wrong,
I want a woman with dignity, a woman who will remind me to pray.

I want a woman with a figure, not just a physical,
I want a woman with a profile, and a personality too,
I want a woman, who won't be mad when angry,
But give me sense, so we don't both flare up.

I don't want a perfect wife, I want one we can correct each other,
I want a woman, but not just a woman.

Dear Lord

Dear Lord, this is another Sunday, not just a Sunday,
Not guaranteed is our existence, but by your grace,
So grateful are we, that we praise, and ask you for more.

Lead us not to temptation, show us the way to safety,
Make our borders immune to external influence,
And make Ebola blind to us, keep us safe,
Occupy terrorists with their issues,
They may  forget us, and let us be in peace, in one piece.

Stretch your hand so mighty, on our roads so busy,
Save the lives on the brink of running over a cliff,
Give safety to our families, both near and afar,
Protect our youth, to give us an assurance of a future bright.

Help us set our priorities right,
Let us not put anything before you,
And don’t let us forget those who have concern over us,
And shift our focus to those who don’t care.

Give us our daily bread,
And give us a heart to share the excess,
To those of our brothers, who have not seen it for eons,
So that our bins may not stink with food,
While our brother’s stomachs stink of starvation.

Give sight to our leaders, to see every part of the country as equal,
Give them memory, to remember the neglected.

Give income to our country, with safety that you grant,
Give us prosperity; of farms and sales too,
Give jobs to those who don’t, so they make jobs for others too,
Give us the creative minds, to push our goals to the limit,
Bless our resources, that we so rely on.

Give us the love of brotherhood,
And positive ethnicity, for  we were all created by you,
As we are loved by you, make us extend the same,
And give a genuine smile to every face.

Forgive us, for we have done wrong,
Give us a wise decision when it comes to opportunities,
So we may choose those granted by you.

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory,
Forever and ever.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Back Bat

He held a bat,
A long bat with smooth edges,
He waited at the smooth bend, near the smooth rock,
The bat, hard as the rock, harder than the grip,
He felt a rush in his heart,
A race in his mind,
In the silence of the night, he waited.

Behind him came the target,
A lone figure basking in the moonlight,
It was her route for eones, she loved no other,
But she didn't know what awited ahead.

He closed his eyes,
And so did his hands on the bat,
She came closer,
He got ready,
The footsteps came,
And so did his anticipation.

Then the moment came,
It was just a matter of timing, and he trusted himself,
He swung the bat, so hard it met the rock,
And missed the target.

So strong was the swing, it broke a big piece,
The piece flew back,
And sure it didn't miss,
It got him square, and he wouldn't have a story to tell.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Wish you Well

You told me you love me,
Not once,
Not twice,
Not a million times, but many times.

Always gave you, not just my ear,
But my heart too,
The same heart that became your home,
Your rightful place.

You said, it didn't work for you,
A reason? You gave me none,
For me, it was easier to believe anything else,
It was a moment I felt my being go numb,
Like my life had hit midnight.

I had to let go, for I loved,
And all I wished for her is smiles,
And to her I couldn't be a burden,
So I let go,
She broke my heart, left a gap,
Left it for me to sew,
All I know I love you.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Love Week

On Monday I said I like you,
With my words I psyched you,
I held that mic for you,
All this so that I can be with you,
Wishing at the end you will feel the same way too.

On Tuesday its you I want,
To me it’s you I have got,
To my heart you mean a lot,
You keep my waters cool like a pot,
Anyone who thinks otherwise I’ll ask what?

On Wednesday its you I have,
A good day to make love,
To me you are a dove,
Never will I make dirty I will hold you with a glove,
Into my heart deep down you dove.

On Thursday its you I’ll keep,
The whole of you not a tip,
Like wine it’s me you sip,
With your sweet red lip,
To you I follow like a sheep.

Yesterday it’s you I missed,
The only one I would kiss,
If they would forever I would lease,
To have you forever I wish,
It would be the best thing that is.

Today I have said I love you,
Is it to you or who?
It’s to you the leader of the coup,
You took my heart from her,
Keeping it away far.

My love tomorrow I would ring the bell,
To you I will kneel and tell,
That I love you and well,
Love me because I have never risen since I fell,
The bells tell well my love marry me.

Saturday, 2 August 2014


Her name was Tala,
Daughter of Tolongo, the infamous Tolongo,
She had a figure, a replica of her father's chimney glass,
Apparently, one of the precious commodities of the house.

She walked with her head high,
As if she defied the very poverty that dictated each step.

Her family was a magnet to calamity,
Just as she was a magnet to stares and whistles,
She was the talk of the village, and miles yonder,
She was the unit of beauty,
Just as Tolongo was the unit of poverty.

Many wanted her, and so she knew her paths,
She chose those less trodden,
She knew how to keep herself,
Immune to gossip, proud in a humble way.

Every cloud has a silver lining,
Seems hers had a thin one,
But her cloud was think and dark black,
She knew not its boundaries.

Then one evening,

She came back in tatters,
Blood stained , and stains of shame on her heart,
Her pride had been taken away,
The only precious thing she owned, after her life,
Something she had kept safe, even from herself,
She saw herself as an added shame to her dad,
Her innocence, virginity, had been torn away.

The man who loved his daughter,
His only daughter, after his wife bid life goodbye,
He had sworn to protect Tala, as much as he would.

But she was defiled, her pride was robbed,
His heart was shattered,
She felt ashamed, he felt afraid, even to look at her,
She knew who broke her, she told him. 
What could they do? They would be sued instead.

They decided to keep shut,
Their presence; their only solace.

Friday, 1 August 2014

I never say bye

I fell asleep with my love,
Only to realize I fell in love with my sleep,
I admit you hold the keys to all I have,
I value you more that gold is cheap.

Sometimes I pretend I’m not hearing you in the morning,
And if I open my eyes I swallow the cold air yawning,
The thought of you leaving me longing,
I’d rather wait for your coming.

That sound of our door opening as you leave,
It’s like the morning thieve,
Stealing my heart that I can’t retrieve,
Wishing you would come back to me I believe.

As you disappear you take my breath away,
Every step you take it’s like a day,
Now I have counted from Jan to May,
Please return at least delay.

I feel weak each second that goes by,
I can tell I feel I might soon die,
With limiting of your oxygenating warmth supply,
When you read this you will know why I never say bye.