Thursday, 19 February 2015

I Can't Erase You

My mornings are all spent
looking up at my ceiling;
seeing your face spread on the white paint.

The sole bulb in my room is your navel,
sometimes I believe you are actually painted there,
but it is always a projection of my thoughts.

There is nowhere else I would want you but by my side,
each and every morn, your arm on my chest,
I am pretty sure I'd always smile at you Pretty.

I would tread my paths with delightful care,
only to see you again in one piece at dusk.

I would explore you like a rat in a maze,
Only that my maze would be sealed by your charm,
I wouldn't be helpless because in you I find a solace;
Your smile with lazy eyes would be my healer, I'd be your patient.
My dose I'd never miss, because it is you.

I wouldn't buy a telescope;
I would stare at the stars in your eyes,
My hands would get dirty but never rough;
I wouldn't want to mess with your tenderness;
My voice would be your lullaby because in it you are soothed;
I wouldn't strain myself, even you,
because in you I find a resort; a place I can call home.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Halfway to the Moon

I stood on the vast plain yesternight,
my eyes were attached to the stars,
I wanted to go to the Moon,
and to reach there, so I was advised
I had to fix my aim to the stars yonder.

I glid, slowly through the sweet warm evening air,
with just one yearnin', one call,
I moved further higher, leaving Earth to its misery,
I felt wet all over,
the clouds, a sight to behold!

I moved higher,
the moon grew bigger,
my body began to freeze, and so did my mind.

If I left earth,
would I ever behold the beauty of the rising sun?
Would I feel warmth of my family,
would I jump at the sight of my love?
would I even have the gravity to hold me down to my seat,
with my buddies as we watched soccer?
Would I have the pleasure of strolling the sidewalks,
taking in the aroma of mixed dinners in the hood?
I looked back down,
and oh! it was the best sight!
I fell down, down, down to my Earth,
my home, where I belong

[img ;]


Valentine is over dear,
Just like the day before you are still near,
With you I don’t live in this euphoria fear,
What to buy you, where to take you, all that for one day love a year.

Walletine is over as well,
I didn’t have to promise you a night of diamond; to hell,
You know that villa rosa kempinski hotel,
I know you prefer golden love to dwell.

Wasn’t our night more special?
The love we made with your crazy super sexy flexibility that was tangential,
With rhythms that were perfectly in sync without any differential,
Sure love; our night was more presidential.

Each day is always special with you,
We woke up still attached like glue,
Kissed to reaffirm that it’s true,
If it’s about us, I wouldn’t ask my shoe.

That Sauti sol song “mama papa” playing smoothly in the background,
I need to keep you forever in my life around,
Our marriage will be perfectly profound,
Always be my only queen that’s love crowned,
Let this love be timeless.

Two Shades of Gray

I heard of a voice down the alley,
the first thought was a couple, a whisper of the lady,
taken high by the tight clutch of her man,
also taken high, with lust, like a jet with no parachute,
my conscience held a ceremonial fight with my feet,
like a kid who has been promised candy,
only and only if he doesn't touch the toy.

My feet evidently won the battle,
for the next minute I found myself walking down the alley,
literally creeping,
like whatever I wanted to see held the key to my breath.

The voice grew louder with each step I took,
like I was pumping energy into it,
it was a low voice, the kind you hear on rare occasions,
an indication of extreme emotions or feelings.

Ever observed the antennae of a cockroach when it senses your presence?
I couldn't describe my curiosity any other way,
my adrenaline was moving at paces I trust my feet could never achieve,
my curiosity moved me on and on.

What I saw moved my heart into my throat, literally,
I almost threw up,
a lady lay there, no longer human,
her face covered in her own blood,
I think she looked up to me,
and drew in her last.