Saturday, 26 September 2015


When you lose so much that the fear to lose fades,
You become alone with no one to aide,
Relations becomes nothing but shades,
The pain is unbearable can only be matched by a slicing blade.

Fear of new and juvenile relations,
Solitude becomes the best station,
Caution and self-doubt is the regulation,
Shielding own self in further obligations.

You become a family of one,
Yourself as there is none,
Cold becomes like the hot sun,
You can always feel it burn.

I have experienced this,
From bliss to miss,
To the abyss,

It shouldn’t be same now that I have tasted your kiss.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

My High

We used to kiss and say goodbye,
Now we only fuck and say bye-bye,
If we ever meet again we say hi,
Same routine after we get high.

Do we even have anything in common?
Apart from well, you know the sex hormone,
Separated by a condom,
Just to kill the boredom.

It doesn’t feel right,
Can’t even walk together in light,
Up-close in the dark tight,
Crazy how we like to disappear out of sight.

Lately it’s been cold,
Peaceful with no urge for you to hold,
Guess my trust is sold,
Maybe it’s too expensive to act cheap.

I’m no longer your dark and shining knight,
Got yourself a white kite,
Fly might feel alright,

Changes your ways you should just take a flight.

Friday, 24 July 2015


I miss you
I miss the hours we would spend
being open and honest and free
I miss how my heart would breath a
sigh of
relief because you brought me peace
I miss the feeling of hope and
and how with you I always felt content
I miss you
I miss the hours I would spend lying
by your side tracing the lines upon
your skin
I miss the way you held me close
to hear your heartbeat, I wish I could
hear it again
I miss you
I miss you every minute of everyday
it’s an ache, a sadness, an emptiness
that doesn’t ever go away
I miss you
I MISS YOU I miss you
I miss the hours we would spend
being open and honest and free
I miss how my heart would breath a
sigh of
relief because you brought me peace
I miss the feeling of hope and
and how with you I always felt content
I miss you
I miss the hours I would spend lying
by your side tracing the lines upon
your skin
I miss the way you held me close
to hear your heartbeat, I wish I could
hear it again
I miss you
I miss you every minute of everyday
it’s an ache, a sadness, an emptiness
that doesn’t ever go away
I miss you

By Yvonne Achieng


Imperfection is beauty
Madness is genius
I'm good but not an angel
I sin but I'm not the devil
I'm two-faced
But at least make one of them pretty
I keep on smiling.
Life's a beautiful thing
Definitely so much to smile about
And watch my world go round
For I fell in love
All thanks to that Love Affair
With MYSELF ;-)

By Yvonne Achieng

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


I have been staring at my phone for long,
Waiting for a call,
Your call,
Just a ring,
My heart will sing,
If not,
Just a beep,
To let me know you think of me,
Or your phone does,
Because I will call,
Asking the reason for the beep,
Just to listen to your voice,
Then I’ll take my time to hung up,
I’ll let you know of my day,
Nothing much,
It started with the thought of you and well, now am talking to you,
I’d ask about you,
Shiver with every sound of your words,
Link the sound of your breathe to mine,
Ask you out to take wine,
Maybe also dine,
Only if I had credit,
I’d stop staring at this phone,
Call you without the thought of a beep,
Wish you a good night sleep.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

My eyes are allergic to pain

My eyes are allergic to pain,
I get the same reaction as if am chopping an onion,
Tears flow down my cheeks dry plains,
Leaving a trail that raises opinions.

I tear for my insecure country,
One of my favourite rapper is in search of the Promised Land,
Where death is a myth and people are never hungry,
Where corruption is loathed and never grand.

Embraced death as a statistic lesson,
Embraced negative tribalism that lead to oppression,
Embraced PR and social media is their way of expression,
Embraced human gods becoming our obsession.

The only success is in life lost,
Corruption cost,
Selfie posts,
The kingly tribal ghost.

Condolences form our common speech,
We bury and forget,
Terror thrive in our continuous fear and siege,
Few of us will be jailed if we protest.

After a tragedy #Tag #WeAreOne,
Terrorists’ #Tag #WeHaveWon,
Bereaved families cry #WeAreAlone,
Give them few weeks and its gone.

My eyes are allergic to pain,
I get the same reaction as if am chopping an onion,
Tears flow down my cheeks dry plains,
Leaving a trail that raises opinions,
We shouldn’t settle for this painful union.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

What Day Is It?

What day is it?
I wonder as I silently sit
Waiting for you to come eat
But it hits me,
A football game is going on
So,let the food get cold
And I enjoy a lonely night

I enjoyed dressing up
Carefully put on light makeup
This dress looks good on me
Now,lets wait and see,
That knowing smile on your lips
But wait,
Today is boys night out

My glass is halfway empty
I've been waiting for 30minutes
Every one dragging on slowly
Did you forget about this date?
Or what day is it?

In pajamas
Enjoying my moments home alone
The good music making me dance a little
Mmmhhh...this is great
But who knocks on my door?
Oh! Did I forget what day it was?

I stare at the calender
Sure that its a Tuesday night
But this is a new one
Just when I thought I was done
Whose day is it?
Clearly, its not your early at home day!

Friday, 10 April 2015


Every time Death rears its ugly head and another human life is lost, mankind tends to react differently. We mourn, justify, get angry, cheer on and more often than not, are never bothered. The cycle is so numb it’s hard to trace the Human bond when it doesn’t affect us directly.

When taking of human life becomes the ‘norm’ then humanity ceases to exist. Human life is and should be worth much more. It shouldn’t be that simple to end lives or witness Loss of lives and feel so little about it.

Kenya as a Nation has witnessed a worrying spate of loss of life though Terror, post-election violence, Inter clan fighting, traffic accidents, Collapse of buildings, extra judicial killings, famine, disease you name it. So much so the Number of lives lost has become just that, Numbers.

Surprisingly a positive trait is to blame for the numbness that hovers over our Nation like a dark cloud, Resilience. We are such resilient people we get up from any situation and keep on living one day at a time like nothing happened. No questions asked, No drive to push to see things change, No hurt enough to remember when it all happens again, Nothing, just a mare collective shrug ‘ni sawa tu’ .

That needs to change and it will only happen when we start valuing human life. Life should be more than just our Kin, tribesmen, friends, neighbors, candidate of choice, religious followers, social class etc. and gravitate towards any Human being.  

Worrying about a total strangers well-being shouldn’t be such a struggle, it should be the starting point in repairing the Humanity fabric *sic*. Slowly by slowly we will start becoming a human race again, our brother’s keepers. We will cease being strangers, harboring hate between us, hurting one another and all the negativity.

Negative traits and actions can only thrive where Positive traits and actions haven’t seized the moment.
As we mourn as a Nation, Ask questions and Hold each others hands in Unity may the 147 lives lost in the Garissa Terrorist Attack at the very least be the Inspiration in our effort to bring back Humanity.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Guilty as charged

Last time I was accused of love,
I denied as advised so as to look tough,
Guilt would consume me but I wouldn’t say it’s enough,
This was meant to make me rise above my accuser like a dove.

I faced my accuser in the dark,
Just as the sun was about to be swallowed by the horizon,
To settle this I needed all luck,
I needed to be at my best so as to influence her decision.

Word had gone round that she would be settle for not less than my heart,
This was scary as I didn’t have another to replace,
To keep it I needed to be very smart,
To God I asked for His grace.

Here I was,
I had waited for some time,
Saw you walking towards me like a boss,
Guilty of my crime,
I gave you a white rose,
The timing was prime.

I said in a low tone,
“I love you forgive me,
Please don’t let me in prison be gone,”
I was down on my knee,
I didn’t want to feel alone.

“I’m guilty as you,
Share my heart, love and dreams,
Let’s imprison each other in our love,”
She said bending down towards me,
She surely settled for my heart,
Love is the greatest art.